Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Tale of Two Pansies

I tried new floss colors for the pansy on Sew Darling.  I'm happy with how it turned out.

A friend wanted to know what cardboard I used for the French General box.  I went to Michael's and got a big sheet of mat board for about 6.99.  For smaller projects, I use comic board.  It is inexpensive and easy to work with.  I still haven't hot glued the box together.  But I plan to do that today.

The French General box ended up larger than I thought it would be.

 I learned a few things along the way.  The Therm-o-lam was a pretty thick padding. This is a photo of the Therm-o-lam:

 Maybe a thinner padding would have been better.  Whatever.  Always check pattern pieces to see if they fit before you cut them out.  (Voice of experience here)  I have lots of the fabric left over.

 I probably could make a quilt.  I'd have to find just the right pattern though.  I like the blue and white one that is on the French General site.  Quilts take a lot of time so I'm not ready to do that now.
It rained today so I ended up going to the Y to walk and then I forgot my fitbit.  I have a step counter on my nano so I used that instead.  The weather is supposed to be splendid for the rest of the week.


  1. beautiful stitching and lovely fabric..i hope you find a great pattern to make the quilt..
    hugs x

  2. That's like the pot calling the kettle black: "quilts take a lot of time" as said the needleworker. Now, that's funny :)
