Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Tisket A Tasket

I miss not making up Easter Baskets. I miss the candy mainly. I would love a chocolate covered marshmallow bunny. Yum. I wonder if Walgreens is open. No, no, no. I am being good today. We are having French Rack of Lamb for dinner. I made a recipe from the new cookbook I got called Small Batch Baking. I made brownies. Three brownies. But it seems silly to go to all the trouble it would take for a big batch, cook it just as long and only end up with three measly brownies. They were good. DH pointed out that I wouldn't have to throw any away.
I worked on the fourth side of the bonbon box. It is almost done. I was kind of goofing around with the design in the circle. I tried stitching the same basket as in the first side but stitched it over two instead of one. I crossed a few of those stitches and I wove a thread under a few stitches. I like how it turned out. After that I started making up flowers and leaves in the basket.
Every year I think I will go over and sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the choir at the end of Easter Service. But when push came to shove, I didn't. Maybe next year. I sing and hum along (don't know all the words) anyway.
Happy Easter!
Lauren, I like your new photo.

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