Monday, November 5, 2012


I need to turn a UFO into a WIP.  With that in mind, I dug out Winter Cottage yesterday.  It isn't very far from being done but I am going to have to make myself work on it.  (It's not cross stitch, and therefore not as much fun to do.)  I took Gay Ann Rogers advice where she suggested putting the pattern in a notebook for easy reference.  So I put Winter Cottage and Victorian Painted Lady in a notebook.  Townhouse could have joined them but it is nicely tucked into a drawer in my closet.
The cover is done.

One half of the inside is done.

I just have to finish the other half of the inside and put it together.

Since my Painted Lady threads aren't here yet, I want to get this finished up.  Thank you Jane for recommending following the directions this time.  I am going to try that.  Really.
I am happy so far with the Cabinet of Curiosities pin cushion on satin.  The stitches look nice and even.  I have started the queen stitches, there are a lot of those.  I'm hoping the stitching will stay nice looking after I pull out the waste canvas.

The bathrooms are clean.
I forgot to turn back the clock by my side of the bed and got up way earlier than I meant to.  DUH.
Dylan and I have a checkers game to finish.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to have nearly finished Winter Cottage, looks so lovely so far.I too like Gay Ann´s designs and have my Townhouse to stitch still.

    The Cabinet Of Curiosities pin cushion design is very pretty, colours so delicate and feminine.

    Hope you and Dylan had a lovely time together.
    Take care,
