Monday, March 21, 2022


 I finished the Jacobean Moth by Nicola Jarvis.

Above the head. Is a shadow of his (her?) antennas. There is a line drawn for the antennas but the directions do not talk about how to finish the lines. I think it is assumed that the stitcher will make a slip out of the moth and mount the stitching on a different ground fabric. I tried to erase the lines but it didn’t work. 
I am delighted that the moth looks Ike it is supposed to look. I have a couple more things I want to try to get rid of the lines. I’ll iron them and see what happens. Then I can use some soap and water and see what that does. I may have to make a slip out of it.
It is supposed to hit 70 today! I’m waiting for it to warm up up a bit before going walking. It’s spring!!