Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Compare and Contrast

 I bought these two charts. I saw one of them online and liked it. But when it came time to order, I couldn't remember which one I wanted. They are by the same designer, Brenda Gervais. I am still trying to decide which one I like best. It reminds me of an English essay assignment to compare and contrast two things. These are so similar. They both have blue birds and a house.

I'm leaning toward the bottom one as I like the strawberries and the bluebirds are a little bit bigger. Hey, what about a combo? Instead of the words I could stitch the flowers from the top design. Gotta think about this. 

I need to go walking now that DH is back from the store. 



  1. They are both pretty.
    I like the bottom one with brighter colors.
    Have fun deciding!

  2. Your suggestion was exactly what I was thinking, Amy!
