I happened to pick up some thread off the floor and laid it on the sampler, Then I thought hey, that uses several colors in the sampler, I'll use that in her dress. (Gloriana Rain Forest)
I didn't want the queen to look unhappy but she looked okay when I backstitched her face. She sort of looks like she is wearing glasses the way the face is charted. She is really quite small and so I was 
limited in what I could do.
Then I had to find a color for her bodice and underskirt. I happened on a Cottage Garden Thread from Australia called "Butter Bean". The upright cross stitch was recommended for her underskirt but I kept messing that up. So I changed it to Rice stitch and I'm happy with that. I put an angled satin stitch on the bodice. Oh yes, I used spiral trellis on the sleeves. Her hair is boullion stitches with French knots. Ta Dah! Done.
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