Thursday, June 11, 2020

Twist my Arm

I am trying to figure out why I am so unmotivated to work on the tape measure cover. It could be easy, quick and done. I think it is the instructions or lack of instructions.
Use whatever colors and type of thread you want. Make whatever flowers you want.  Use whatever stitch you want.
I want it to look nice like the model. How exactly did the designer stitch the model?  That's what I want to know. Is that too much to ask?

Luckily I have the designer's book so I can find flowers I want to put in the watering can.  So far, it looks okay.  The green is getting lost, not bright or dark enough. Mostly the model has french knots and lazy daisy stitches. So I'm going to put lots more green on it.
So anyway, here is where I am.


  1. It is looking good even though you aren't motivated and the lack of instructions are lacking.

  2. I change colors and placement all the time but I need a starting point. Without any guidance or instruction I would be lost.
