Saturday, June 13, 2020


Progress on the Peacock is slow bur steady. I put the chenille around the tail scallops.  I was happy that it looks like it is supposed to look.  I wasn't sure if I could get it angled correctly but Jenny's directions are great.  Next I put on the fettucini.  It is Italian ribbon that looks like shiny thread wrapped around a paper core. There were three colors of green. Again I was worried about getting the angle just right but it all worked out. 
I started on the feathers.  It is a little hard to see way over on the left side. This part is going to take awhile but it will be the most beautiful part of the peacock.  What a treasure this will be when it is all done.


  1. Wow! This is looking incredible. And thanks for mentioning what the fetticini!

  2. It's very beautiful and you're off to a good start!
