Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trying Out

Could I let that Rose Trellis kit just sit idly by?  No I had to check it out.  I wanted to try out the linen and then try some non-overdyed linen.  The trellis is made using linen thread that is the same color as the linen.  When I tried it on the kit linen it looked okay.  Sometimes over-dyed linen is wrinkly and doesn't look nice.  But I think this linen will be fine when it is ironed.  So I am going to use the kit linen.
The second photo is my regular linen.  It looks nice and even and smooth.

I went out to see Dylan yesterday.  We still couldn't make smoothies or have pizza as there are too many other people in the room that we would disrupt.  So I'm hoping next week we can get back to Mondays when we have the room to ourselves.  We were able to make the hand lotion and package it up for his sister's birthday.

I finished stitching the main part of the scissors case for Cabinet of Curiosities.  I pulled out the waste canvas to see what it looked like.

Last night, my decision was to pitch it. I have to look at it again today and reassess.  It looks so amateurish and it has glaring mistakes in it.  It is not worth finishing.  I got a big laugh from a blog where the lady actually burned her stitching.  Set it on fire.  I know the feeling.

I'm trying to decide on what retreats to go to this year.  I'm already signed up for Spring Fling in April.  I'm watching the classes for Celebrations and my BFF is signed up for Dyeing to Stitch's retreat in October.  Other retreats in the mix are the New England Stitcher's retreat and The Attic in November.   I was going to stay home this year!

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