Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Nifty Tools

DQ asked me about the recommended nifty tools.  I manage to find what I was looking for so I can show you.
First up. a permanent glue stick.

 Sometimes you want a repositionable glue stick, then sometimes you need a permanent one.  The teacher recommended a a brand different than Elmer's.  I found one at JoAnn's.  I don't usually like to glue linen but when you are making a box, you may need  permanent glue for places you cannot lace.

This teacher also recommended a small presser iron.

 She didn't want to squash down specialty stitches.  She wanted the texture and raised nature of  the stitch to show.  I have been guilty of ironing specialty stitches flat but hadn't thought of this as a solution.  I had a 40% off coupon.  Can't beat that.

I have Fray Check and Fray Stop, but the teacher also recommended June Taylor's Fray Block.

  I think she said it didn't discolor the linen.  I got this at JoAnn's also.

This gadget is a creaser, made by Clover.

 The teacher used it in the construction of the box.  I can see where it would be handy.

I had heard of the "Purple Thang".  It is good for stuffing small things.

The teacher liked Steam a Seam stuff.  It is like a roll of stitch witchery.  It is available in different widths.  I already had some.

I've had to walk at the Y this week.  We've had over a foot of snow, school was closed yesterday.

 I'm getting the last of the Christmas stuff taken care of.  But I haven't put up my tree yet.  Soon!


  1. woohooo! Have at least 50% of the recommended gadgets and found some more must haves - who doesn't like a new gadget!

  2. Cool gadgets!
    Yikes! That's a lot of snow for the first snowfall.
    We had about 8" here in WI.
