Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

This is the day to reflect on the year coming to an end.  DH (who is very smart) thinks looking back is a waste of time.  He is right as you can't change the past.  Hopefully you can learn from it though.  This year was horrible in some ways and fantastic in some ways (Claire!).   I am looking forward to many fun things in 2013:  classes, stitching, seeing Claire (in 17 days!).

I just realized that I missed my second blogging anniversary which was December 26th.  I couldn't get on the internet on that day anyway.  I must look up something I can give away.

I plan to take down the Christmas tree tomorrow. We are having lamb for dinner.
My goal for today is to do another leaf in Detached Buttonhole Stitch - without cursing.
I stitched a couple more beads.  One in colors I like:

And one in called for colors:

I have one more bead design to stitch and then I am going to start over and make matching beads for the other side of each bead.

We may not make it to midnight tonight before falling asleep.  We don't care.
I wish you a wonderful fun happy peaceful kind loving joyous new year.


  1. Dear Amy
    happy new year to you and thank you for keeping us company throughout the year

    Best blessings

  2. Happy New Year to you and to DH. Isn't it nice to turn over the page and begin afresh at the start of a New Year. Great that you have a visit to Claire to look forward to as well.
