On Wednesday we decided to go on field trips to Keepsake Quilting and Frye's Measure Mill. Keepsake Quilting was an hour and a half away and we drove there first. With my BFF and Map Quest directions we made it. It was very scenic but the route was a bit convoluted around Lake Winnipesaukee. What a great store! It had so much fabric. Wow. You could find any color you were looking for. The fabric was mainly cottons for quilts. I saw a beautiful small (baby?) quilt and bought the fabric and pattern to make it. I saw a penny rug with a circle of flowers so I bought the fabric ($50!) and book($28!) for that also. I bought yard cuts of fabric that were so pretty. I don't know what I am going to do with them but I couldn't pass them up. We asked a man sitting on the porch waiting for his wife to take our picture. We went to a nearby cafe and got a sandwich to eat sitting on the pavillion over looking the lake. It was a nice balmy day. We would have liked to stop at interesting stores along the way but we needed to get going to Frye's Measure Mill. It was a bit of a harrowing drive to Frye's. Signage is not New Hamshire's strong suit. We were in the boonies and it was a little scary at one point. But we made it. Frye's Measure Mill is charmingly decorated. The boxes are spectacular. The workmanship is wonderful. They are very pricey however. It was great to look around. Near the back of the store were some unfinished pieces and seconds. What a great deal they were! I got a recessed lid box that I could put needlework on and a small divided tray that were unfinished. My big splurge was a recipe box with a hand painted decoration around the lid. After I paid, I saw this little basket with a hand on it that was just precious (not creepy). The two main makers (father and son) of the boxes are both very ill and the mill is for sale. So I wanted to get what I could. I saw a box (not for sale) that the father had made with the shape of each of three grandchildren's hands on it that was wonderful. I just had to get the little hand box. We ran into a teacher at Celebrations and her fiance. They were an odd couple. We would find out later that many people from Celebrations made the trip out to Frye's. But we had the best selection since we came on Wednesday. I was a little nervous since I spent so much money before Celebrations even started. It was great to have a car and see Keepsake Quilting and Frye's Measure Mill. Loved it.
Hi Amy! I am honored to be your BFF! What a great time we had. You are such a great stitcher, travel companion, shopper and driver! Thanks for making the trip so special. -Kath