Friday, December 4, 2020


 First of all, several people have asked me where I get my frames.  I get them from American Frame in Ohio. I think the price is good and they deliver quickly. 

I have ideas for what to stitch for the back or top of a casket.  I have this pattern. 

This panel with the man and lady will fit nicely on the top or back or front if I complete the flower by the man on the left. I want to center the people so they are in the middle.

I ordered the recommended silks and they came this week. I would like to start this but I must finish the three queens. By the way, I hate queen stitches. I hope to finish more today.  I'll show you tomorrow.



  1. That looks like a great choice for your casket! Looking forward to it! What is the design?

  2. Gorgeous for your casket.

  3. Thanks for the frame tip, Amy. You're casket is/will be gorgeous! Great work.

  4. What a great design to use on your casket!
