Monday, May 25, 2020


I have finished several projects lately and now it's time for my own personal Stitch Maynia!  I started (or restarted) four projects.
I was looking for a new BAP (big ass project). I really enjoyed stitching the Darlene O'Steen  Strawberry Sampler and wanted a new BAP to work on. I wanted a large project that was not too hard to stitch. I decided on another Darleen O'Steen sampler called The Queen's Sampler.

At this year's Needlework market in Nashville I had House of Stitches get Linda Vinson's stitch guide for it.
I ordered the original pattern and threads from Traditional Stitches before the pandemic. I had about the first two and a half rows done before I stuck it away for a while. 
I am ready for the grapes row.


  1. Your Queen's Sampler is looking good.

  2. Looks so nice. I need to get mine back out.

  3. This is such a beautiful sampler. I have the charts for...someday! :) You're off to a good start!
