Monday, September 5, 2016


I took a look at Mistress L and I am getting close to the bottom!  Oh my.

I finished off the stalk and am happy with it.

Then I started my "A".  I messed up and put it too close to the left edge.  There is no room for one of the curliques.  I am NOT taking it out.  I will just leave off that curlique and that is how it is!

  I have just enough room for my last initial.  I haven't decided yet what will go below the initials.  We'll see.  But after this section there are only two rows left in this whole thing.  Two rows!

I got Mr. Snowman's head and scarf on.  He still needs a hat and another arm.  Maybe today he will be done.

The bathrooms are clean.  The walking was wonderfully pleasant this morning.  I saw 9 deer and a turkey.  Some nut has been setting off fireworks.  ARGH.
Claire has been to the American Girl store and now knows what she wants for Christmas.  Uh-oh.
Evan is just the cutest baby ever.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Mistress will be a big project done!
    The stocking is coming along, cute Snowman.
