Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Bit of This and That

I finished the pincushion of Romina's Box.  I am going to put it together a different way than the directions say to.  They just fold it over and it looks sloppy.

I worked a bit on Along the River James.  I wanted to work my way up to the top of the house.

I started the heart brooch.  I also messed up the heart brooch.  I should have read ahead in the directions.  But all is not lost, I can begin again with couching gold threads around the outside.

I have worked a bit on the front side of the Mermaid Treasures Shell.  I have one quarter of the front done.  At least that is some progress.

There just isn't time enough for all the stuff I want to do!

1 comment:

  1. All of your projects amaze me.
    Great progress on all.
