I finished framing Claire's birth announcement. It looks nice. I boxed it up and sent it off yesterday. I really like the buttons on it. I'm glad I washed it and got all the wrinkles out and that stripe through the middle of the linen is not noticeable.
I sewed on all those seemingly thousands of beads on the Spring Fling pin cushion. I am not sure whether I should put it together yet as we don't have the wood piece it fits on. There is a needlebook and a strawberry to do yet. I didn't really enjoy this as I prefer cross stitch and this wasn't. It seems a little sparkly for an Early American wood piece, but whatever. I'm glad to have this piece done. The strawberry just has two ribbon flowers on it so it will not take long.
I hope to finish up Cutting for Stone today. I'm glad I went back and got into it as it is a good book. I have less than a hundred pages to go.
I am thinking of stitching Claire a Christmas stocking. I actually have a little girl one from Cross Stitch and Country Crafts magazine all stitched but I don't really like it. I saw one I like from a book by Donna Kooler, The Ultimate Christmas Stocking Book (I think). It is a snowman and animals. There is a Dimensions one I like with a Sugar Plum Fairy on it but it is made of felt pieces. We'll see...
I decided to post a photo of Claire in her hat. It is not a good picture but DIL hasnt' sent me a good one yet.
Claire looks cute in her hat. She's certainly growing isn't she! I'm not a fan of beads and ribbons but your pincushion looks really good. Have a great day.