Friday, May 19, 2017


How can it be Friday again so quickly?  I think I say this every week.  I'm cooking today.  I have bread dough in the breadmaker.  I have everything ready to make sweet and salty mix.  I'm going to mix up some cookie dough.  I'm on a roll here.

I am over half done with the Virgin Queen's Stitching Wallet flap.  I'm hoping to finish it today so I can start the second flap.

I worked a bit on the mystery project but it doesn't look much different.  Last time:

It is fun to add a new color and see how it changes.

I watched a Hands-On Designs Youtube video yesterday and got tempted enough to order the project.  I'll show you when it arrives.
DH is off to the grocery store.
I have a new grandniece, born yesterday, so I have to think about a baby gift for Mackenzie Ann.


  1. Great progress on both projects.
    Can't wait to see the Hands-On project.

  2. Great progress on both of your projects
    Big Beary hugs x
