Friday, May 15, 2015

Going Shopping

I'm going shopping today.  Mainly because I put it off yesterday.  Now I can't avoid it.  I need that needle page wool for Friesland.  I'm looking for some other stuff too.

I decided that I wanted to look for a kit I got at Williamsburg from Jackie.  I thought it was somewhere in this bag.

This bag is so full of stash from the last two years that I can hardly lift it.  I drug it to the bed and began sorting out the stuff in it looking for the kit.

Yes! I found it.  I decided to start it.  It is a little birdcage pin cushion.

I got the birds stitched and I cut the banding into strips.  I'm changing the colors (surprise!).  So now it has a bluebird of happiness instead of a blackbird.  I think the vine on the banding should be gold, like a cage with rosy flowers.  We'll see . . . .

This is how far I got on Drawn Thread's Pastoral pocket.

I realized that I'm not on the last page of the charts yet.  There is an inside fold that has initials on it.  But still it is getting close to being done.  Sort-of.

I'm hoping for the Shepherd's Fold needleroll in the mail today.  It could happen.


  1. Pastoral is lovely - I am still waiting on mine :(
    If it doesn't come soon I'll be out of the notion to start it. Enjoy your weekend !

  2. My Little Bird is really neat!

  3. gorgeous work, great colors

  4. A very cool project.
    Pastoral is looking good.
