Monday, December 28, 2015


The weather has taken a turn for the worse.  I'm staying home for the rest of the day and let my fingers do the shopping.  Luckily the walking is all done.  Now it is sleeting.  UGH.  The bathrooms aren't clean yet.  So I have to get busy.
I started putting the lute together yesterday.

I wanted to show you that the walnut lute is all done!.

It holds a couple of tiny spools inside:

The bottom of the lute:
The head of the lute:
Only one more part is left to make on Harmony:  the scissors fob.  There are five petals to detach buttonhole to make a Tudor rose..  It seems to take forever.  I hope to have three of them all done today.  We'll see.
I happy to be warm and cozy and have electricity here at the Chateau.  Now, on to the bathrooms.


  1. Wow it's truly amazing..
    I am a big fan of your work..
    Keep warn and all cozy x

  2. The lute is too darn cute!
