Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Buttonhole Stitch

I am not very good at detached buttonhole stitch.  But I'm getting better with practice and I'm getting lots of practice.  I did Harmony's sleeve first and it turned out pretty well.

I like it to look even and neat.  The fewer bobbles the better!  I've been trying to follow Amy Mitten's instructions exactly.  Sometimes I just skim the directions thinking, I know how to do this so I don't have to even read this carefully.  Anyway, I was happy with how the sleeve turned out and went on to do two bodice pieces and the other sleeve.  So far, so good.

Next I have to do her lacy collar and cuffs.  Thankfully, they are small so they shouldn't take too long.  The skirt is the biggest piece to stitch but it doesn't look too hard (knock on wood!).  Her arm may look a little funny but she will be holding a lute.

Once I get Harmony's dress done, the rest should be easy, right?

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