Friday, January 8, 2016

Skipping Ahead

I didn't finish stitching the Quaker Bag but I have skipped ahead and cut out the main piece.  I put stiff interfacing on the back of it.  Boy, does it look better after it has been ironed.
I got one pocket done too.
Now I am working on pocket #2.  There are two larger pieces that I will start next.  It is good to see some progress.  Maybe I can make this.
Elvis would have been 81 today.  I can't quite picture him being 81.  It is a gray and rainy day but at least it is not below freezing - yet!  I am hoping for a package from the mailman.  Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. My dear it's looking so interesting and so beautiful..can't wait to see more of it..
    Big hugs x

  2. Great progress!
    I hope your goodie pkg comes today. :)
