Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I couldn't resist!  I got out the Off With Her Head chart to take a photo for the blog and then I wanted to start it.  It's just blackwork and you don't even have to fill it in.  I got a good chunk done.

Then I filled in half the tail of the Mermaid Purse and some of her hair.

If I worked on this exclusively, I could get it almost done.  I still have to order the purse frame.  I'm trying to save money for the tour in three weeks (!) so I may wait to order it.  We'll see if I have any self control.  Don't hold your breath.

It is the last day of summer!  I don't want summer to be over with.  It is the loviest day, mild temperatures, the sun is shining.  DH is going to do the semi-annual washing and waxing of his car today.  It is perfect weather for that.  It is also perfect weather for stitching.