Thursday, July 30, 2015

Summer Day

It's a great summer day here.  DH is mowing the lawn.  My walking is done.  I'm stil not keeping up with Aunt Mary very well.  She has 108.000 steps for the last week.  She's got me beat.
So what did I do yesterday?  I stitched a quarter of the box for the Stitching by the Sea pin cushion.

I decided to try stem stitch as opposed to backstitch on the back of Harmony.  I didn't like how sometimes my backstitch wasn't exactly in the same hole as the previous backstitch so it looked like there was a tiny gap between stitches.  We'll see how this works out.
Then I got to thinking.  I see lots of people working on their caskets.  How lucky am I?  I have two caskets and a mirror. All I have done is the top to one casket.  Why am I not getting anything done?  So I thought I would try and make progress by taking the next step.  I want to do the three ladies from Mistress L's Band Sampler for one side of a casket.

 Who knows if it will fit?  Who knows if it will look good?  I just need to try and I can throw it away if I don't like it.  So I started it on 32 count Sandstone linen.  I think it will fit fine and I can add stuff around it if needed.  I love how it looked worked on 40 count so I hope I will like it as well on 32.    So far:

I got a present in the mail yesterday:

A beautiful scissors fob.  Thanks Barb!


  1. Love your stitching. The little fish are so cute

  2. Great progress on the sea piece.
    What a pretty fob.
