Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Cold and Snow

It is record cold today.  Ten below zero.  Rather crispy outside.

I put some Snow-Tex on the Putz house.

It looks awfully rough to me.  I want snow drifts that are soft and rounded looking.  I went on Youtube and found out that you can add paint and water to Snow-Tex.  The next step says to thin glue with water and paint it on and then put on glitter.  I'm wondering if that will smooth out some of the roughness.  We'll see.

I was afraid to read the rest of Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King.  I thought it might be too grizzly.  But then I read where it is essentially a detective novel.  So then I thought that it probably has a positive ending.  So I read the rest of it and it turned out fine.

I started a new project.  I happened to be wasting time on Pinterest.  I looked at some Yoko Saito pins.  Then I saw a video of someone working on one of her patterns.  That's what I needed, someone to show me how to start.  The video was in French, and I don't speak French but just watching what she was doing was enough to get me started.  She used what I think was a fabric glue pen.  I checked and yes, I have a Fons and Porter fabric glue pen.  She used a seam ripper to help turn the edges over on the applique piece. I have one of those too.  So I tried it myself and got started on the stems of the kit I got for Christmas.

I used a light box to transfer the pattern.  It is hard to tell when you are working on a light box if the lines are dark enough to be seen.  Some places I overdid it a bit but I don't think it will show when I am done.

I'm running out of Crescent Colors Whatley Woodlands.  So I'm off to get some more for the lettering of Anne Hathaway's Needle Book.

This will be folded in half and seamed together to make the front and inside front of the needle book. I bet I can finish this part today.
I'm off to my LNS with my fingers crossed that they even carry Crescent Colors.


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