Friday, November 9, 2012

Indian Summer

It is a beautiful day outside.  This weekend we are supposed to be in the 60's.  A warm reprieve in the month of November is glorious.  Most of the leaves are off the trees now.

I finished the Cabinet of Curiosities pin cushion off yesterday.  I think it turned out fine.  I like the silk velvet, it doesn't have the usually problems that velvet has and is rather sturdy.

Now I have three little ditties for my casket.

 It is a good exercise to try different techniques and different threads.  I want to get a couple of books of William Morris cross stitch designs.  I should just try working with my PCStitch program to see if I can take a design and turn it into cross stitch.  It is kind of frustrating as I don't know what I am doing but that is how you learn, trial and error.

I finished the top of the seat cushion for the chair.  The bottom of the seat cushion just needs the backstitch around the edge and the bird's eye, then I can whip those two guys together and mount them on the chair. But tell me why people make bird's eyes yellow???

 Then I can start on the head cushion.  I like the little scissors fob.  That would be fun and quick to do.  I may do that this afternoon.

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