I am sick of doing the nun stitch!!! It is how the pockets on Glastonbury Garden are edged and attached. But I did reach my goal of finishing the smaller flower pocket. I interfaced the inside cover and it looks much better now. It is really slow going to attach it though. So far I have run out of 3 colors of floss in the kit. Good thing that I bought extra. I am encouraged by my progress. It looks like I could actually finish this puppy. I started one of the dimensional pockets. I am thinking of how to make it more interesting, like putting a flower or heart on it somewhere.
I finally ironed some clothes to take on my trip. I plan to pack and get everything ready tomorrow. I'll have to kit up some small charts to take with me to work on while I am on the plane and while I am waiting for planes.
It is miserably hot here today but I am in air conditioning and feeling very comfortable. I was surprised that I kind of felt like reading when I was ready for a break from stitching. I still have a big chunk to read of Cutting for Stone. Do I even remember what I was reading?
The camera is not cooperating today so I had to scan my stitching.
Hi Amy, wow, your Glastonbury Garden is coming along quickly. I've not put a stitch in mine and I got it a year ago! Of course, I know I'll be short of thread so that is part of the procrastination. Enjoy your Blue Ribbon Sewing Box class and say hi to Sherri. Mine is started (story of my life) just have to finish sewing the lining to the pockets and attach to the box. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Anxious to see your finished Blue Ribbons. Deb